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Lent 2025



This year as church we are running the Christ and the Chocolaterie as our Lent study. This is an original, innovative and lively Lent course inspired by the film Chocolat, based in turn on the bestselling novel by Joanne Harris. We will be using the film as a starting point for exploring issues about God, and the world we live in.

In the first session we will view the film 'Chocolat'. Following this we will look at themes of giving, acceptance and change over five sessions. Each session includes clips  from the film, group discussion questions and follow up ideas.



The Lent Study is free!



The Bible Course runs weekly on a Tuesday evening (starting 4th March)  and a Thursday afternoon (starting 6th March) for 6 sessions.

To sign up .for the Thursday  2.00-3.30pm sessions click below.

THursday 2.00-3.30pm


To sign up for the Tuesday  7.30-9.00pm sessions click below.

Tuesday 7.30-9.00pm



To download details of  the course book



Lent officially starts on Ash Wednesday, see below our seasonal church services that are taking place during this period:


Ash Wednesday 5th March at 10.30 am (followed by Lent Lunch)

Traditional Holy Communion service with prayer and ashes.


Ash Wednesday 5th March at 7.30pm

 a Prayer & Praise event. Join us in church to worship and to pray for ourselves and our world, to turn away from darkness towards God’s wonderful light.

Mothering Sunday 30th  March at 10:30 am

A special all age service with songs, stories and flowers to celebrate those who care for us. 

Palm Sunday 13th April at 8.00 am, 9.30 am and 11.00 am

Traditional as well as informal services celebrating Palm Sunday at the start of Holy Week